A New Online & Mobile Banking Experience is Here
If this is your first time logging in to the new Online and Mobile Banking experience, follow the steps below to re-enroll:
Already enrolled? Once you've completed enrollment, you can log in to the new Online Banking experience.
To log in to the new Online & Mobile Banking for the first time, all users will need to re-enroll and create a new username and password. Your previous Online Banking credentials will no longer work.
To complete enrollment, you need your Georgia United member number. You can find your member number on your membership card or on a paper check. On a check, remove the first three digits and the last digit of your account number (ex. 1010012345679). Your member number would be the remaining numbers after the zeros (ex. 1234567).
Please ensure you have the correct information to enroll. For your protection, after six failed attempts your account will be locked. Your account will be automatically unlocked after 24 hours or you can contact our Member Care Center at 888.493.4328 for assistance.
Review Your Account
Once you log in to the new platform, it is important to confirm and restore the following settings:
- Scheduled transfers: On the main menu, click on 'Transfers' to review your scheduled transfers. Scheduled transfers should migrate to the new platform and continue as scheduled.
- Customize your dashboard: Add a nickname to your account by clicking on the account and selecting the 'Nickname' button, or organize your accounts so you can see what's important to you.
- Alerts: We've added new alerts that are delivered almost instantly! Set up alerts by clicking ‘Services’ on the main menu and select ‘Alerts’.
- Personal Finance Manager: Link accounts from other financial institutions through Personal Finance Manager. To link an account on desktop, click an account and select 'Finance Manager' (on mobile, select 'Finance Manager' from the main menu), click the drop-down menu and select 'Link Account'.
See What's New
Simpler. Faster. Even More Convenient.
With the new Online & Mobile Banking, you'll still enjoy the same great features and functionality that you've come to expect — like Mobile Deposit*, card controls and Bill Pay — plus the upgrade brings you the latest technology and security enhancements including:
- Two factor authentication using text message or an authenticator app
- Updated design with intuitive navigation and customizable dashboard
- Simplified transfer options that allow you to send money to your deposit, loan or external account in one convenient location
- Improved alert notifications delivered in near real-time
Frequently Asked Questions
Logging In
If I’m already using Online and Mobile Banking, do I have to re-enroll?
Yes, after the upgrade on October 18, it will be necessary for you to re-enroll and set up a new username and password. Your previous login credentials will no longer work. You can enroll on desktop or from the new Georgia United Mobile App.
What information do I need to re-enroll?
You will need your Georgia United member number, Social Security number, email address and phone number. Note that your contact information must match the phone number and email address on your account.
I don’t know my member number. How can I find this?
You can find your member number on your membership card or on a paper check. On a check, remove the first three digits and the last digit of your account number (ex. 1010012345679). Your member number would be the remaining numbers after the zeros (ex. 1234567).
When I re-enroll, will my username and password change?
You can use the same username and password if they meet our updated requirements as outlined below:
- Username must be 8-20 characters, start with a letter and contain no special characters
- Password must be 10-20 characters and contain a letter
I never received my verification passcode. How do I find this?
As part of the enrollment process, you will be emailed a one-time passcode (OTP). If you don’t see this in your inbox, please check your spam folder. Note that the OTP will expire and if not used in time, you will need to request a new passcode be sent.
I am joint on an account, but don’t have a Georgia United membership. How do I log in?
As an added layer of security, only the primary account holder (the user who opened the account) will be able to enroll in Online Banking. Joint owners, co-signers and authorized signers who are not primary account holders on a Georgia United membership will no longer be able to create separate login credentials.
Can I see my personal and business accounts under the same login?
While you can only log in to one account at a time, it is easy to toggle between two accounts on the Georgia United Mobile App when you add an additional profile. To add an additional profile, go to the log in screen on the mobile app, click the drop-down arrow and click ‘Add Profile’. Once your additional profile is added, log in, click your name in the lower left corner of the menu and select ‘Switch users’ to toggle between accounts.
Transfers & Payments
Will my recurring transfers continue?
Scheduled transfers to your Georgia United accounts and external bank accounts were migrated to the new system and should continue as scheduled. We encourage you to review your transfers to confirm set up when you first log in.
If you previously added an external account but did not have any transfers scheduled, you will need to re-add your external account to send future transfers. For step-by-step instructions to add and verify an external account, view our Online Banking user guide.
When will my scheduled transfers post?
Scheduled transfers will post the evening of the scheduled transfer date.
How do I make loan payments and transfer money?
With the new Online Banking, you can now make transfers and loan payments all in one convenient place. Click ‘Transfers’ from the dashboard and select the share or loan you want to transfer money to. For step by step instructions, view our Make a Transfer/ Make a Loan Payment guide.
How do I pay my mortgage?
To make a mortgage payment in Online Banking, click on your mortgage from the dashboard and select the ‘Mortgage Services’ button. This will link you to the mortgage servicing website where you can view your mortgage details and make a payment.
For other ways to make your mortgage payment, please visit our Mortgage Servicing page.
Are money transfer services available, including Member-to-Member transfers?
Will the Georgia United Mobile App work after the upgrade?
The old Georgia United Mobile App will no longer work after the upgrade. Please download the new Georgia United Mobile App from your phone’s app store.
Will my alerts work after the upgrade?
As part of the upgrade, we have updated our alert notifications to provide you with more options and faster notifications. For your account protection, security alerts are automatically enabled. To set up additional account alerts, log in to your account, click ‘Services’ on the main menu and select ‘Alerts’.
How do I update my contact information for alerts?
Alerts are sent to the email address and phone number on your account. To update this information, log in to Online Banking, click ‘Services’ and select ‘Member Information’. Update your information and click ‘Save’.
Will services like Bill Pay or E-Statements need to be updated?
No. These services will seamlessly migrate to the new platform and continue to work as they do today.
If I use QuickBooks or Quicken services, how will the upgrade impact these services?
If you utilize Quicken or Quickbooks, you will need to take a few additional steps to ensure that you are able to successfully download transactions from the new Online Banking platform. Please use our QuickBooks and Quicken guides to help you with transitioning your data.
Please note that Intuit aggregation services may be interrupted for up to 5 business days. We encourage you to download a QFX/QBO file during this outage. The following services may not work during the outage:
- Quicken Windows/Mac Express Web Connect
- QuickBooks Online Express Web Connect
- Mint
Please make sure to carefully review your downloaded transactions after completing the conversion instructions to ensure no transactions were duplicated or missed.
If I use Mint.com, how will this service be impacted?
Following the launch of our new Online Banking platform, Mint aggregation services may be interrupted for up to 5 business days. For a successful account update, do not log into Mint.com for Georgia United Credit Union until October 25, 2022.
For more information on Mint, click here.
Can I still access my transaction history?
Yes, your transaction history is available.
Can I rename my account?
This ability to edit your account name is available in our new platform. Select an account and then click the 'Nickname' button to rename the account. Please note that nicknaming your account will update the name of the account for all primary and joint account holders. Only one nickname can be user per account type.