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Certificates of Deposit (CD)

Discover the power of saving with a Georgia United high-yield certificate of deposit (CD). Watch your investments grow with secure returns that are guaranteed to give you peace of mind.


When you want your savings to grow regardless of market fluctuations, a Georgia United CD could be a great choice. CDs offer a safe and secure savings option with guaranteed returns so you can save with confidence. If you have cash stashed away in a savings account with no immediate plans to use it, transfer your funds to a Georgia United CD and watch your savings grow with our best savings rates. 

Earn 4.00% APY*

15 Month CD Special

Turn your "dough" into more with our limited time 15 month certificate of deposit special, featuring a 4.00% APY. Available for new deposits of $1,000 or more, it's the perfect savings recipe to help you achieve your goals.

Members with maturing CDs can also take advantage of this great rate by renewing and adding $1,000 to their balance. Call us or visit a Georgia United branch to renew your CD today.

See How CDs work for you

A CD offers a fixed rate, ensuring you know exactly what you'll earn. Lock in your savings rate for a set term. When your CD matures, renew it or transfer the funds to your savings or checking account. 

  • Only $1,000 to open
  • No opening or monthly maintenance fees
  • Fixed rate that doesn't rely on the fluctuating market
  • NCUA insured


Certificates of Deposit Terms Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
3 months 2.81% 2.85%
6 months 2.96% 3.00%
12 months 3.44% 3.50%
18 months 3.34% 3.40%
24 months 3.15% 3.20%
36 months 2.96% 3.00%
48 months 3.20% 3.25%
60 months 3.20% 3.25%

Open a Georgia United Certificate of Deposit Today

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield and Dividend Rate are accurate as of the last dividend declaration date, and may change after the account matures. The minimum deposit and minimum balance required to earn the advertised APY is $1,000. Penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal and fees could reduce the earnings on the account, see terms and conditions for additional restrictions and fees that may apply. Membership and eligibility requirements apply. Membership requires a $5 one-time, nonrefundable membership fee, and a minimum initial deposit of $5.

15 month CD Promotion

APY is fixed for the term of the limited time promotion. Members with a Georgia United CD that reaches maturity may choose to renew at the promotional rate by increasing their deposit balance by $1,000. The funds used to open the CD cannot currently be in a deposit account with Georgia United. A 15 month term will earn 4.00% APY and at maturity, the CD will renew at a 12 month term at the prevailing rate.

Rates effective as of