Georgia United's free* checking accounts offer the ability to earn interest while providing a flexible banking experience.
We are dedicated to offering our members competitive deposit rates.
*Overdraft/returned item fees may apply, see Share Rate and Fee Schedule for additional fees that may apply.
**APY = Annual Percentage Yield and Dividend Rate are accurate as of the last dividend declaration date, and may change after the account matures. The minimum deposit and minimum balance required to earn the advertised APY is $1,000. Penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal and fees could reduce the earnings on the account, see terms and conditions for additional restrictions and fees that may apply. Membership and eligibility requirements apply. Membership requires a $5 one-time, nonrefundable membership fee, and a minimum initial deposit of $5.
15 month CD Promotion
APY is fixed for the term of the limited time promotion. The minimum balance required to earn APY is $1,000. Members with a Georgia United CD that reaches maturity may choose to renew at the promotional rate by increasing their deposit balance by $1,000. The funds used to open the CD cannot currently be in a deposit account with Georgia United. A 15 month term will earn 4.00% APY and at maturity, the CD will renew at a 12 month term at the prevailing rate.
***APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates may change after account is opened. Any account that receives net deposit(s) totaling $100 or more during the month will earn 3.50% APY. If no qualifying deposit(s) are made, dividend is accrued on a tiered basis. Balances $9,999.99 or below earn 0.10% APY. Balances $10,000.00 to $24,999.99 earn 1.75% APY. Balances $25,000.00 or more earn 3.50%. Minimum deposit to open the account is $100.00. Minimum balance to earn dividend is $0.01. Dividend is compounded and credited monthly. Must maintain a minimum balance of $5.00 in the account to avoid service fees; otherwise $5.00 fee per month. Will receive two (2) free withdrawals per month, thereafter your account may be subject to a $5.00 fee per withdrawal. Fees may reduce the earnings. See the Share Rate and Fee Schedule for additional fees that may apply. All Credit Union programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice.
Rates effective as of