Deposits Safe & Secure: A Message from Debbie, President/CEO at Georgia United Credit Union
We know many of you are following the news regarding Silicon Valley Bank (CA) and Signature Bank (NY), and the ongoing response from federal and state regulators. These events may prompt you to question the strength of the institutions you entrust with your business. As your financial partner, Georgia United Credit Union is committed to providing you with a safe and secure place to conduct your financial business.
Since 1958, Georgia United has been a member-owned financial institution with a mission to serve our members and Georgia communities. Our top priority is to provide members, like you, with a safe place to save and borrow money. To help members grow their money safely, Georgia United offers competitive CD specials and recently introduced a High Earning Savings Account that pays high-yield returns. All Georgia United members accounts are insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Insurance Fund up to $250,000. You can calculate your insurance coverage for all your credit union accounts using the Share Insurance Estimator.
You can rest assured that Georgia United’s financial position remains strong with almost $2 billion in assets. Our balance sheet is primarily comprised of member loans, and we continually review our financials to ensure we are well capitalized with sufficient liquidity to operate.
At Georgia United, our members are at the center of everything we do. We appreciate you choosing us as your trusted financial partner and look forward to continuing to serve your needs in the future. If you have any questions, please reach out by sending us a message in Online Banking, visiting one of our branches or by calling our Member Care Center at 888.493.4328.

Debbie Smith
Georgia United Credit Union